ZoomText Magnifier / Reader – PAM Ergonomics
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ZoomText Magnifier / Reader

SKU: EE-08-024

*Please note: If you're located in the Scottish Highlands or have any further questions about our products please contact us on 0808 196 8822

ZoomText Magnifier / Reader

ZoomText Magnifier/Reader is a fully integrated magnification and screen reading program that enlarges, enhances and reads aloud everything on the computer screen.


  • ZoomText Recorder: The ZoomText Recorder allows you to turn text from documents, webpages, email, etc. into audio recordings that you can transfer to on your mobile device and listen to at your convenience. Recordings can be saved directly to a ZoomText Recorder playlist in iTunes or Windows Media Player and automatically synced to your mobile device.
  • ZoomText Background Reader: ZoomText’s Background Reader allows you to listen to documents, webpages, email, etc. while you simultaneously perform other tasks. You simply select the text you want to listen to and press the Background Reader hotkey, Background Reader begins reading the text while you go about other work. At any time you can pause and resume reading and skim forward and backward by word or sentence.
  • ‘NeoSpeech’ Synthesizer Voices: NeoSpeech provides human-sounding male and female voices that are closer to the real thing than ever before (English only). ZoomText also includes classic TruVoice, ViaVoice and Microsoft speech synthesizers.
  • Complete Screen Reading: ZoomText automatically speaks all program controls, including menus, dialogs, list views and messages. Three verbosity levels give you complete control over the amount of information spoken. 
  • Automatic Document Reading: ZoomText’s AppReader automatically reads documents, web pages and email within the parent application. ZoomText’s DocReader reads documents in a special environment where text is reformatted for easier viewing.

Note: Images for display purposes only.

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